Friday, September 4, 2009

One Week Down

Alright, so after a several-week hiatus, I'm finally writing again. Life's been pretty crazy as of late, and with school at the Y starting I've hardly gotten a moment to myself (or at least a long enough moment to worry about anything like writing a blog). But now, with a three-day weekend commencing, it's about time I add another entry. So here we go!

Things over here have been going fairly well--I've been chugging along, trying to keep up with my classes. Of course, it didn't help that all three of my Monday classes gave me a double load of homework. Their usual line was: "You should have read that before class, but you can read it along with today's assignment." Evil, considering that lead to probably around 100 or so pages to be read in two days. So yeah, it's been busy, but now it's the weekend, meaning three days to try to get ahead. My classes have generally proved interesting thus far--I'm really looking forward to learning about electricity and magnetism in Physics 220 and about linear algebra in Math 313, though I wish I could remember all the math I forgot in the last two years. There's also CS 142--Intro to Programming--which is turning out a lot simpler than I had anticipated, and really should be quite enjoyable. The Tuesday and Thursday selection is decent, with a very engaging New Testament teacher who is very passionate about what she teaches. I wish I could say the same for my Psychology class, however. Now, I don't want to rant about it, but the professor for that class seems a bit...lacking, in the enthusiasm department, though perhaps that's just my perception, considering I've learned a lot of the material we've covered already through high school psychology and statistics classes. We'll see where it leads. Anyways, I've probably rambled on enough, so perhaps I'll describe Social Dance and Computer Physics Lab at a later point. For now, let's move on, shall we?

Now I'm sure after last entry that somewhere out there there's someone who wants an update on my book, right? Well, I've finished the editing I wanted to do--now on to publishing. Of course, upon looking into the topic I was quite overwhelmed, and with school looming closer at the time I decided to leave it for the time and see what I could find over in Provo. If you haven't guessed it yet, I haven't had any time to deal with that yet. Don't lose hope yet, though--as soon as I've got the classes under control my next goal will be to start searching for a publisher! In fact, perhaps to see if anyone will give me a response (or if anyone has even read this far), I'd welcome any and all suggestions as for places to look into for publishing or any general ideas whatsoever. I hope to hear from you all (or at least those who care much about it) and I'll sign off for now. Until next time!


  1. Probably the toughest thing about coming back to school after so long is remembering all the things you forgot over that time. I can definitely sympathize with you.

  2. Why do you call it the 'Y'? Maybe it is just me, but 'the Young' doesn't make sense.

    The Psychology professor might get more enthusiastic in other parts of the class. Hard to be enthusiastic about the intro/beginner stuff, right? Or it could suck and you are in for a long semester.
