Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Update (8-8-10)

I didn't think you were supposed to get sick in the summer, but this last week has proven me wrong! It certainly has made the week feel sluggish, though, as both Julie and I didn't feel very well. We've managed to make our way through it though, and things are looking better for the upcoming week.

The week wasn't completely uneventful, though. As I mentioned last week I am starting the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) programming research. So after my email last week, Dr. Rees brought me a notebook full with an instructions manual and a primer, so I have a lot of reading ahead of me. And on top of it all, I'm also supposed to get my first project (really just playing around with MCNP) done by next Tuesday.

On the school side, Julie has been busy with papers and getting ready to finish the semester, as have I. For our courses that has meant tests this last week, but at least on my end they seem to have gone well. It's incredible how fast Summer Term has gone by--tomorrow is our last day of class before Finals. Then Julie has work ushering for the graduating students Thursday and Friday, and then we're heading to Morgan for the weekend for Julie's family reunion.

Backtracking just a bit, I thought I should mention one more thing. For us the weekends have probably been at least as eventful as the weekdays, and usually more fun. Last Friday we headed to Salt Lake to pick up a book for Julie. While down there we went to The Blue Iguana, a crowded little Mexican restaurant that was lots of fun! They had amazing food and great entertainment with an older Hispanic couple singing songs the whole time. It was very entertaining and it was nice to realize just how much Spanish I still remember! It was right in downtown Salt Lake City with just a sign on the sidewalk pointing the way there, but definitely a must-see for those of you who crave Mexican food!

1 comment:

  1. Mexican food, French/Belgian food, how can there be enough time for all of it?!
